Sunday, September 2, 2012

Out in the Garden

Our weekend has been cram-packed with fun away from home so far, as part of a three-day wedding hootenanny for some close friends. But before we leave to go send them off into married life at their backyard ceremony this afternoon, I thought I'd post an update on our home garden, mostly in pictures. Things are chugging right along here. A little late in the season, the tomatoes are going into full throttle, and luckily tomorrow is a holiday so we will have some extra time to get a bunch of sauce made and frozen. We'll also get most of the fall crops planted, that haven't been already. I can't believe it's already the beginning of September!

Matt's been working on my cousin's house renovation for the last couple of weeks, so I've been pulling more weight on the homefront. I got out this week and cut back the early summer's raspberry canes, as the September batch of berries are coming on. They were awfully crowded before, so hopefully this batch will bear more than the July ones did. 

First sign of a head on the fall broccoli!

The Oxheart vines are completely loaded, and now ripening like crazy. 

I clearly didn't thin the Asian pears sufficiently, because the branches are completely loaded, far more than they probably should be. We're going to get a massive harvest- they should be ready in the next week. The apples are ready for picking, that's another chore for tomorrow!

Most of the potatoes still remain underground, but we've dug three plants' worth so far to use fresh. We dug these All-Reds on Wednesday, all of these came from one plant!

Purple soup! Made from entirely our own vegetables. 

We've continued to eat and give away the Sungolds in large quantities...

The fall turnips are coming right along, although we lost a few to slug damage. 

For cuteness' sake, I thought I'd throw in a few photos from when Jessa came by to visit the bunnies earlier this week:

Life is pretty good these days, and I am savoring scenes like this, which make me feel so satisfied:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, looks very productive, can't wait for summer to start here! We are still getting frosts, but the warm weather must be coming soon...