Friday, February 3, 2012

A Few Observations From the Week

As you may have noticed from my lack of posts in the past couple of weeks, school and my internship have been eating my life. I am almost around the bend (just in time for mid-terms...), but still have quite a pile of work hanging over my head. I miss blogging regularly, but having not cooked, crafted, or even been at home all week, it's hard to come up with subject matter and summon the brain power. This week, though, in between coping with Biostatistics, researching funders for my nonprofit grantwriting class, and carrying out an epidemiological assessment for my course in Health Promotion Program Planning, a few things have been reaffirmed for me:

1) Calculating intersecting probabilities makes we want to set things on fire.

2) Doctor Who is the perfect antidote to an overworked brain robbed of energy.

3) There is a definite promise of spring in the air. February is always the time when that shift happens here, and this morning it is clear and sunny, and I spotted a patch of daffodil sprouts on my way to the bus stop.

4) I have a wonderful and capable partner who has been amazing at keeping our home organized and functioning and our chickens and rabbits alive and well while I've been swamped in homework and study groups. He's done all of that while job searching and helping a local community development agency set up a community garden at one of their housing sites. This week, he also had to undertake the grim task of dispatching a nest of baby rats while I was safely ensconced in a study lounge at school. I feel so lucky to have him.

With that, it's back to the books.

1 comment:

Brenna said...

Oh boy, do I feel your pain. My midterms begin on Monday and I am elbow deep in essays, novels, and short stories! All I keep telling myself is that reading break is in a couple weeks (one week with no class to catch up on reading!) and this will all pay off soon enough. Luckily, I am learning SO much this semester, and also have a wonderful partner who manages to keep me sane! My escape from my overworked brain is Criminal Minds and/or How I Met Your Mother, paired with lots of tea and chocolate! Hang in there!